Dr. Takanori Takebe |
1. |
Director of Commercial Innovation, Associate Professor, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center |
2. |
Professor, Division of Stem Cell & Organoid Medicine Osaka University |
3. |
Professor, Institute of Research Tokyo Medical and Dental University |
4. |
Ig Nobel Prize winner in Physiology 2024 |
Dr. Gabor Forgacs |
1. |
George H. Vineyard professor emeritus, University of Missouri, USA |
2. |
Chief Scientific Officer and Co-founder of Fork & Good |
3. |
Co-founder of Organovo, Inc. and Modern Meadow, Inc. |
Dr. Shoji Takeuchi |
1. |
Professor, Department of Mechano-Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo |
2. |
Professor, Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo |
3. |
Kanagawa Institute of Industrial Science and Technology |
Dr. Jos Malda |
Head of Research at the Department of Orthopaedics, University Medical Center, NETHERLANDS |
Dr. Sarah Heilshorn |
1. |
Professor of Materials Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Bioengineering Stanford University |
2. |
Director, Geballe Laboratory of Advanced Materials Stanford University |
Dr. Jinah Jang |
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)
Dr. Shoen Kume |
Professor, School of Life Science and Technology, Department of Life Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Dr. Ian R D Johnson |
Human Exploration Science, Directorate of Human and Robotic Exploration, Telespazio for European Space Agency |
Ms. Sayaka Umemura |
Manager for Cell biology & Biomedical research and Gateway Utilization, JEM Utilization Center Human Spaceflight Directorate Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) |
Dr. Antony Jeevarajan |
Ph.D., Deputy Division Chief, Biomedical Research and Environmental Sciences Division, NASA, Johnson Space Center |